1-2 posms

no 1-2 posms Artigo

arroz konjac


arroz konjac

€14,90 €12,69

3 servings of 200 g

3 servings of 200 g

Espaguete Konjac

Espaguete Konjac


3 servings of 200 g

3 servings of 200 g

Alho-porro - sopa de creme de batata

Alho-porro - sopa de creme de batata


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Mini tostas de pão com sabor a chouriço

Mini tostas de pão com sabor a chouriço


5 servings of 37,500 g

5 servings of 37,500 g

Mini torradinhas naturais

Mini torradinhas naturais


5 servings of 37.5 g

5 servings of 37.5 g

Mini biscoitos com gergelim

Mini biscoitos com gergelim


5 servings of 37,500 g

5 servings of 37,500 g

Minibares de maçã e canela

Minibares de maçã e canela


5 servings of 20 g

5 servings of 20 g

Minibarras de coco

Minibarras de coco


5 servings of 20 g

5 servings of 20 g

Bolos de chocolate

Bolos de chocolate


6 servings of 30 g

6 servings of 30 g




5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

creme de cogumelos

creme de cogumelos


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Mingau (mingau)

Mingau (mingau)


5 servings of 35 g

5 servings of 35 g

Barra de chocolate

Barra de chocolate


5 servings of 45 g

5 servings of 45 g

biscoitos de alecrim

biscoitos de alecrim


4 servings of 30 g

4 servings of 30 g

Barras de cereais de frutas vermelhas

Barras de cereais de frutas vermelhas


5 Portionen von 45 g

5 Portionen von 45 g

Barras de triptofano de chocolate

Barras de triptofano de chocolate

€22,88 €11,44

5 servings of 45 g

5 servings of 45 g

creme de chocolate

creme de chocolate


4 servings of 125 g

4 servings of 125 g

Smoothie sabor banana

Smoothie sabor banana


1 servings of 200 g

1 servings of 200 g

Smoothie sabor morango

Smoothie sabor morango

€5,24 €2,66

1 servings of 200 g

1 servings of 200 g

Smoothie sabor manga UHT

Smoothie sabor manga UHT

€4,31 €3,75

1 serving of 200 g

1 serving of 200 g

Omelete De Bacon

Omelete De Bacon


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

massa espiral

massa espiral


5 Portionen von 50 g

5 Portionen von 50 g

Kit de iniciação fase 1

Kit de iniciação fase 1


56 servings

56 servings

Sopa com três vegetais verdes

Sopa com três vegetais verdes


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Carne moída vegetariana com purê de batata

Carne moída vegetariana com purê de batata


6 servings of 40 g

6 servings of 40 g

Waffles sabor chocolate

Waffles sabor chocolate

€20,18 €10,10

4 servings of 36 g

4 servings of 36 g

Waffles sabor baunilha

Waffles sabor baunilha


4 servings of 35 g

4 servings of 35 g