todos os produtos

no todos os produtos Artigo

massa espiral

massa espiral


5 Portionen von 50 g

5 Portionen von 50 g

Muesli sabor chocolate e caramelo

Muesli sabor chocolate e caramelo


4 servings of 30 g

4 servings of 30 g

Sobremesa com sabor de Crème Brulee

Sobremesa com sabor de Crème Brulee


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

arroz konjac


arroz konjac

€15,02 €12,80

3 servings of 200 g

3 servings of 200 g

Smoothie sabor manga UHT

Smoothie sabor manga UHT

€4,34 €3,78

1 serving of 200 g

1 serving of 200 g

Espaguete Konjac

Espaguete Konjac


3 servings of 200 g

3 servings of 200 g

pão orgânico

pão orgânico

€20,41 €10,21

5 servings of 65 g

5 servings of 65 g

Sopa com três vegetais verdes

Sopa com três vegetais verdes


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Smoothie sabor morango

Smoothie sabor morango

€5,28 €2,68

1 servings of 200 g

1 servings of 200 g

Waffles sabor baunilha

Waffles sabor baunilha


4 servings of 35 g

4 servings of 35 g

Pão estaladiço com queijo

Pão estaladiço com queijo

€17,81 €13,17

6 servings of 375 g

6 servings of 375 g




5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Bebida de Cacau Triptofano

Bebida de Cacau Triptofano


10 servings of 25 g

10 servings of 25 g

Mini salsichas "Frankfurter"

Mini salsichas "Frankfurter"

€17,81 €12,65

4 servings of 100 g

4 servings of 100 g

Carne moída vegetariana com purê de batata

Carne moída vegetariana com purê de batata


6 servings of 40 g

6 servings of 40 g

Bebida sabor chocolate

Bebida sabor chocolate


1 servings of 250 g

1 servings of 250 g

envoltório de proteína

envoltório de proteína


8 servings of 40 g

8 servings of 40 g

grissini natural

grissini natural


4 Portionen von 30 g

4 Portionen von 30 g

ursinho de goma

ursinho de goma

€23,72 €11,85

4 Portionen von 70 g

4 Portionen von 70 g

Patê de Legumes com Cogumelos

Patê de Legumes com Cogumelos


6 servings of 80 g

6 servings of 80 g

Smoothie sabor banana

Smoothie sabor banana


1 servings of 200 g

1 servings of 200 g

Nozes de Soja Orgânica

Nozes de Soja Orgânica

€20,11 €10,06

6 servings of 35 g

6 servings of 35 g

Soja orgânica com sabor de pimenta-tomate

Soja orgânica com sabor de pimenta-tomate

€22,13 €11,06

6 servings of 35 g

6 servings of 35 g

Barra de chocolate

Barra de chocolate


5 servings of 45 g

5 servings of 45 g

Biscoitos de Maçã e Canela

Biscoitos de Maçã e Canela


6 servings of 40 g

6 servings of 40 g

barras de waffle

barras de waffle


5 servings of 37,200 g

5 servings of 37,200 g

Cookies com cobertura de chocolate

Cookies com cobertura de chocolate


6 servings of 44 g

6 servings of 44 g

Drageias coloridas com sabor a chocolate

Drageias coloridas com sabor a chocolate

€19,74 €11,85

4 servings of 40 g

4 servings of 40 g

Barras crocantes de caramelo

Barras crocantes de caramelo


5 servings of 40 g

5 servings of 40 g

Patty de legumes com tomate e manjericão

Patty de legumes com tomate e manjericão


4 Portionen von 100 g

4 Portionen von 100 g

Bolos de chocolate

Bolos de chocolate


6 servings of 30 g

6 servings of 30 g

Barra crocante de cacau

Barra crocante de cacau


4 servings of 37,500 g

4 servings of 37,500 g

Bebida sabor baunilha

Bebida sabor baunilha


1 servings of 250 g

1 servings of 250 g