
Preparation based on milk proteins, with reduced lactose content, rich in potassium.

The unique keto friendly diet milk developed by Eurodiet's medical team.

Designed to let you enjoy the great taste of milk during a ketogenic weight loss program without compromising your weight loss goals.

  • Reference: 1011
  • 20 servings of 12g
  • Unit Weight: 312g
  • Portion: 0
  • Matching Phrases:


Preparation based on milk proteins, with reduced lactose content, rich in potassium.

The unique keto friendly diet milk developed by Eurodiet's medical team.

Designed to let you enjoy the great taste of milk during a ketogenic weight loss program without compromising your weight loss goals.



proteini tal-ħalib(emulsifikant: sojjaleċitina), gomma arabika, inulina taċ-ċikwejra, fruttożju, minerali (potassju, sodju), maltodestrina, destrożju, emulsifikant (leċitinasojja ). Jista' jkun fih traċċi ta' bajd u ġewż.


100g Per Serving
Energiegehalt (kcal) 310 37
Energiegehalt (kJ) 1306 157
Fett (g) 1,3 0,2
Gesättigte Fettsäuren (g) 0,6 0,1
Kohlenhydrate ( g) 15,0 1,8
Zucker (g) 11,0 1,3
Ballaststoffe (g) 17,0 2,0
Proteine (g) 51,3 6,2
Salz (g) 1,00 0,12


100g %RDA Per Serving %RDA Portion
Calcium / Ca (mg) 1300.00 163.00 156.00 20.00
Lactose (g) 3.60 0.43
Kalium / K (mg) 2500.00 125.00 300.00 15.00


Sojja u prodotti tas-sojja, ħalib u prodotti tal-ħalib (inkluż il-lattożju)


Ħallat il-kontenut ta' qartas wieħed ma' madwar 180 ml ilma. Biex tipprepara prodott Eurodiet, ħallat il-kontenut ta 'qartas wieħed Laktolight® ma' l-ammont speċifikat ta 'ilma.