Vanilla dessert cream with slivers of almonds

Instant product for the preparation of a dessert, high in protein, low in sugar, rich in vitamins and minerals, sweeteners.

  • Reference: 508
  • 5 porzjonijiet ta '30 g
  • Unit Weight: 200g
  • Portion: 5
  • Matching Phrases:

Vanilla dessert cream with slivers of almonds

Instant product for the preparation of a dessert, high in protein, low in sugar, rich in vitamins and minerals, sweeteners.



proteina tal-ħalib(emulsifikant: sojjaleċitina), proteinasojja (emulsifikant: sojjaleċitina), proteini tal-piżelli, lewż inkaljat splitter 8%, inkaljat, karamelizzat lewżsplitter 7% (lewż inkaljat, zokkor), minerali (potassju, kalċju, sodju, fosfru, manjesju, żingu, ħadid, manganiż , ram, jodju, selenju), sustanzi li jħaxxnu (guar gum, carageen), żejt tas-sojja, proteina, gomma tal-akaċja, ħwawar, ħlewwiet (acesulfame-K, sucralose), vitamini (C , PP, E, B5, B6, B2, B1, A, B9, Biotin, D, B12), Kuluri (Beta-Carotene, Riboflavin), Melħ, Antiossidanti (Ascorbyl Palmitate, DL-Alpha-Tocopherol).


100g Per Serving
Energiegehalt (kcal) 404 121
Energiegehalt (kJ) 1696 509
Fett (g) 12,7 3,8
Gesättigte Fettsäuren (g) 1,9 0,6
Kohlenhydrate ( g) 9,2 2,8
Zucker (g) 4,0 1,2
Ballaststoffe (g) 8,3 2,5
Proteine (g) 59,0 17,7
Salz (g) 1,60 0,48


100g %RDA Per Serving %RDA Portion
Cuivre / Cu (mg) 0.9 90 0.27 27
Fer / Fe (mg) 13.3 95 3.99 29
Zinc / Zn (mg) 7.9 79 2.37 24
Calcium / Ca (mg) 620 78 186 23
Iode / I (µg) 112 75 33.6 22
Phosphor / P (mg) 415 59 124.5 18
Sélénium / Se (µg) 46 84 13.8 25
Kalium / K (mg) 1810 91 543 27
Magnesium / Mg (mg) 110 29 33 9
Manganèse / Mn (mg) 0.83 42 0.25 12


Sojja u prodotti tas-sojja, ħalib u prodotti tal-ħalib (inkluż lattożju), bajd u prodotti tal-bajd, ġewż u prodotti magħmula minnhom


100g %RDA Per Serving %RDA Portion
Vit. B6 (mg) 1.25 89.00 0.38 27.00
Vit. B9 (µg) 167.00 84.00 50.10 25.00
Vit. B1 (mg) 0.92 84.00 0.28 25.00
Vit. B2 (mg) 1.33 95.00 0.40 29.00
Vit. D (µg) 4.17 83.00 1.25 25.00
Vit. B12 (µg) 1.17 47.00 0.35 14.00
Vit. A (µg) 583.30 73.00 174.99 22.00
Vit. B5 (mg) 2.50 42.00 0.75 13.00
Vit. E (mg) 8.33 69.00 2.50 21.00
Biotine (µg) 12.50 25.00 3.75 8.00
Vit. C (mg) 37.50 47.00 11.25 14.00
Vit. PP (mg) 15.00 94.00 4.50 28.00


Preparazzjoni: Ferra l-kontenut tal-qartas ġo skutella u żid 150 sa 200 ml ilma jew Laktolight® imħallat waqt li tħawwad kontinwament. Kompli ħawwad sakemm il-krema tkun lixxa. Ħallih għal ftit minuti u mbagħad servi.