Zupas un omlete

Eurodiet kvalitatīvās proteīna zupas un omletes ir bagātinātas ar vitamīniem un minerālvielām un ir viegli pagatavojamas. Apvienojiet tos ar dārzeņiem vai salātiem, lai iegūtu sabalansētu un sātīgu maltīti. Līdz 19 g proteīna vienā porcijā ar tikai 120 kalorijām!

all zupas un omlete items

Chicken Curry Soup

Chicken Curry Soup


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Cheese and herb omelette

Cheese and herb omelette


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Leek - potato cream soup

Leek - potato cream soup


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Bacon Omelette

Bacon Omelette


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Cream Of Mushroom Soup

Cream Of Mushroom Soup


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Chicken flavored cream soup

Chicken flavored cream soup


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Vegetable cream soup with croutons

Vegetable cream soup with croutons


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g

Soup with three green vegetables

Soup with three green vegetables


5 servings of 30 g

5 servings of 30 g